New “Google Discover” Requires an SEO Superhero



Have you ever heard about Google Discover? It’s an updated Google Feed that offers readers relevant articles without searching.

There is no doubt it is an interesting and valuable source of web traffic.

What is the basic requirement for your articles to show up in search? Excellent SEO is the answer. Here is some practical advice on what to focus on. Be extraordinary!


Table of Contents

Google Discover is mainly based on visual content discovery. This can be news, videos or blog posts. How does it find the audience? If a user searched for similar topics in the past, the content will simply find him.

Now you can ask is that it? Does it get to the readers just like that? Not really. You need a good SEO strategy optimised for Google Discover in order to reach your readers.

How to Start Showing Up on Google Discover

Do you want your website to show up in Google Discover? There are conditions to be met. The website should be verified, indexed, and in compliance with Google News rules. If you meet these basic requirements, you can start tackling site optimization.

There is no special process or manual on how to set up SEO for Google Discover. First of all, do not forget to mark your content as an article or news.

Create evergreen content

Google Discover displays content based on user searches. Your responsibility is to create a content that will be relevant months from now – an evergreen content.

With fine-tuned SEO, you’ll ensure high search traffic for years to come.

Quality visuals

Google Discover is based on the visual discovery of information. You need images in high quality that immediately engage your audience.

Google recommends that they should be at least 1200 px in size. According to available statistics, time spent on sites with high quality visuals has increased by 3%, and click-through rates have increased by up to 5%.

Google Discover displays relevant topics.

Google Discover displays topics that users have searched for in the past.

Keyword analysis as a basis for good SEO

Let’s say your customer wants to know what mobile phone has the best camera. By typing keywords into a traditional search engine, the customer will be led to the articles in question. What does Google Discover do? It will offer similar content later by itself.

Writing only about popular topics is not enough. If you want to show up on Google Discover, get a good keyword analysis and work with professionals in SEO marketing.

Create engaging headlines

Have you ever optimised ads for Facebook? If the answer is yes, you know what click-throughs are. To ensure a higher click-through rate, you need to create engaging headlines that compel readers to open the article.

An article headline is not the Title as you know it from traditional SEO or Open Graph Title on social media. The headline in Google Discover is the Headline. It has its own rules. It should not exceed 110 characters. Do you want to be the best? It should be exactly that long.

Loading site speed

Google Discover is an information channel for mobile devices. Nowadays more than half of web visits and 40% of the transactions come to the web from mobiles. 

It is not a requirement, but more than 60% of the websites on Google Discover run on AMP.

A second makes the difference

AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) are an open source norm that makes it possible to create mobile-friendly pages that load much faster.

Naturally there are also sites thriving without it. However, to avoid losing any visitors, ensure your website loads quickly.

Google Discover requires perfect SEO

To show up on Google Discover, you need to set up your SEO correctly.

SEO Measurement in Google Discover

Google Discover allows you to view content that you can save in different collections. On top of that, it also works as an analytics tool to measure traffic. The collected data can define the content with the best performance.

The rule here is: Poor performance is probably just poor SEO.  

What kind of reports do you get?

Some of the data you can find in Google Search Console under “Discover” includes:

  •       Traffic volume to your site from Google Discover
  •       The top content on GD
  •       The views frequency of your site
  •       The difference in performance of your content on Google Discover versus regular search results

Where to find performance reports

It can be quite chaotic at the moment. The best data source is currently found in the Google Search Console. It works almost like Google News. If you have traffic from the Discover service, you’ll see a separate tab where you’ll find website visits abstracted from other searches.

Google Search Console with traffic data from Google Discover.

Google Search Console will provide you with traffic data from Google Discover.

The traffic from Discover is often included under organic traffic as a source and medium under the name referral traffic. Do not get overwhelmed. When evaluating data from Google Analytics, try to keep a cool head.

Do You Need Help with Strategic SEO?

Are you struggling with optimising the content on your site? Do you want to show up in the top positions in search? Or do you have a slow website?

If you need any help, we will give you a hand. Our superhero marketing team is always more than happy to help. With Dexfinity, you only pay for SEO marketing with results. Now you can get a one-hour consultation with one of our specialists free of charge.

Thanks to the Dexfinity editorial staff for creating this article​

Author: Terézia Poláková
Editor: Martin Bartl
Translator: Mária Streďanská
Published by: Róbert Hošták

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