Influencer Marketing as a Winning Ecommerce Ticket?



The world has moved online! People are spending their free time on social media and more eshops use influencer marketing to put an influential and authentic personality at the forefront of the campaign.

Influencers introduce products close to them and their wide audience. The goal of influencer advertising is to increase awareness of the products and to sell them. 

How to do it?

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What makes influencer marketing so unique?

Influencers reach potential customers in an “in-demand” environment in an authentic way. Ideally, this kind of marketing is presented at the point when users are voluntarily consuming digital content that matches their exact preferences and interests. 

What is another big value of influencers? The attractive photos they make! By featuring your product in an everyday setting, you can use it further for remarketing campaigns, blog posts or social media content with the influencer’s permission.

First come, first served

The influencers with the highest quality “spend” first. Think about how many times you’ve seen paid advertising on social media in the last few days (or even hours). Only from the people you follow. Are you still putting off influencer advertising? You are missing out on a lot of opportunities to win authentic and genuine influencers.

Moreover, if you have a brand with a lot of competition, you are losing so much right now. Many companies claim exclusivity of collaboration, which means:

The more eshops rely on influencers, the greater the demand for influencers. Demand exceeds supply.

Impress with an attractive offer

Getting a collaboration with a busy influencer is very difficult, if not impossible. In such cases, you need to make an attractive offer that appeals to the specific influencer. 

Although we at Dexfinity have successfully managed to reach out to a particular profile this way several times, it is not something to rely on.

Prepare an influencer portfolio tailored just to you

It is the same situation in all markets. Early adopters (eshops that were the first to grasp the huge opportunity of influencer marketing) use their first-mover advantage to dominate the market.

That’s why in our influencer marketing department at Dexfinity, we are constantly filling our internal database with new creative talents. Whether local or international influencers, our clients will have a powerful asset.

A database of social media influencers with authentic marketing.

 At Dexfinity, we have our database of interesting social media influencers with authentic engagement and a strong follower base. We use automated data import.

Is the profile only getting started? Follow it

We monitor potential profiles that are currently in a growing phase, waiting for the moment when they become attractive and suitable candidates for promoting selected products. 

We keep them in our database and continuously look on their evolution in terms of followers, reach and the way they communicate to their audience.

Micro-influencers can take you further

There is no universal threshold for micro-influencers. Worldwide it could be 10k to 100k followers, while in Slovakia, for example, it is between 20k and 25k followers. 

Although the micro-influencers have smaller followings, they are becoming popular due to:

  • The authenticity of their content
  • The ability of their fans to identify with the influencer on a personal level
  • A favourable engagement rate (bias rate)
Calculate the engagement rate to consider influencer marketing services.

The formula for calculating engagement rate.

Micro-influencers can be also interesting because of their lower cost. It allows smaller ecommerce businesses to try influencer marketing services.

Influencer marketing = a guarantee to succeed?

Influencer marketing has a significant impact on both website traffic and sales growth. However, the whole process is based on communication with your business partners, mutual agreement, and reasonable expectations and goals.

We closely monitor the established collaborations and adjust or continue the influencer marketing strategy based on the data. This way, we move one step closer to achieving the best possible results.

An authentic Influencer just for you at Dexfinity

Our specialist Šimon is in charge of the influencer marketing department at Dexfinity. He has gained experience from both sides – as an influencer and a specialist. During his time in London, he worked with renowned clients such as Apple Music, Google Photos, Amazon, Visa, Mercedes-Benz and TikTok. 

Today, however, he concentrates his efforts on influencer campaigns for our business partners and only sporadically collaborates as an influencer with brands he is close to. With his team, he will answer everything you want to know about influencer marketing.

Thanks to the Dexfinity Editorial Staff for Creating This Article

Proposal: Šimon Mladý

Writer: Veronika Svajčiaková

Feedback: Petra Dudášová, Vladimír Nociar, Martin Bartl

Translator: Mária Streďanská

Published by: Róbert Hošták

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Veronika Svajčiaková
Veronika Svajčiaková
Veronika works at Dexfinity as a Content Specialist. Besides articles, she prepares keyword analyses and content strategies. She emphasizes making her texts easy to read and having enough useful information.


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