Mobile UX – Is Yours Ready For the Surge in Mobile Shopping?

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These new Performance Max (Pmax) campaigns utilise machine learning and automation and are continuously optimised, 24 hours a day. They are geared towards performance and goal achievement. 

In autumn 2022, they will replace Smart Shopping and Local campaigns. Do you know how the new Performance Max campaigns work?

Table of Contents

What is mobile UX design

Mobile user experience (UX) refers to the experience of the user during the use of mobile devices and wearables, as well as applications and services running on such devices. As such, mobile UX design focuses strongly on efficiency, speed and availability. 

Mobile Optimisation As a Necessity

Mobile customer experience (UX – user experience) expectations are rising thanks to the myriad of mobile applications that users enjoy. More than three-quarters of online sales already involve mobile devices. 

A typical user:

  •       can spend up to 5 hours on their mobile phone each day, whereas they spend only 30min at a computer;
  •       expects a fast, smooth and effective experience with minimal obstacles;
  •       is not accepting of any shortcomings;
  •       in most cases would not buy again from your online store following a negative mobile experience.
rýchlosť e-shopu, ux optimalizácia, covid-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in people under the age of 25 spending an average of more than 5 hours a day on their mobile phones.


Factors Which Impact On Mobile UX

Online store speed

The speed of the online store is a dominant metric, not just for SEO and the users themselves, but also for the mobile e-commerce interface. Up to 70% of users confirmed that site speed directly influences their desire to buy.

A lengthy page load time (up to 3 seconds) reduces the potential conversion rate by up to half and increases the bounce rate (the rate of immediate departures from the site).

Sales price and gross margin

Web Vitals is a Google initiative that defines the requirements to ensure a high-quality user experience on a website. We recommend that all e-commerce store owners self-measure their Web Vitals by checking their store URL.  

Since speed also plays a significant role in SEO ranking, Web Vitals will provide you with metrics that you should focus your attention on:   

  •  Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) – measures the time it takes the largest amount of webpage content to load;
  • First Input Delay (FID) – measure interactivity (the tens of milliseconds within which the user is able to use the page);
  •  Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) – measures visual stability.
rýchlosť e-shopu, ux optimalizácia, web vitals, Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay, Cumulative Layout Shift

Web Vitals metrics will set you on the right path – the faster the online store loads, the better your chances of acquiring a new paying customer.

‘Everything’ affects speed

The most common elements that slow down any online store are:

  • the number, size and optimisation of images and videos;
  • page length;
  • page density (number of elements and components);
  • the technologies adopted ((programming language, integrations, third-party elements, size, quality of processing and number of scripts, minification or the (lack of) presence of DNS)),
  • the use of a non-performing CMS.
rýchlosť e-shopu, voľba CMS, ux optimalizácia, mobilná ux optimalizácia

The speed of an online store largely depends on choosing a suitable CMS.

Seamlessness and simplicity

Perfect mobile UX means that the customer is guided along without being aware of it. The navigation of their movement must be smooth and flawless.

Offer users fast solutions

A potential customer should not have to search for recommendations, discounts, promotions or related products on their own. It is your job to guide them to this information.

The more a customer is forced to think, the more the likelihood of purchase decreases. The goal of mobile optimisation is to remove barriers, not create them.

Mobile UX is not just smartphones

Although many customers start their customer journey on their mobile, they will likely make their purchase through another device. As many as half of customers use their smartphone purely for ‘digital window shopping’, or in other words, product browsing.

The speed of an online store largely depends on choosing a suitable CMS.

The purchase process must go smoothly

Ensure fluidity in the purchase funnel. Mobile UX optimisation of your online store includes not only the integration of multiple payment methods (PayPal, Google Pay or Apple Pay), but also continuous shopping carts across multiple devices.

Test, improve, evaluate

Without testing, monitoring, data analysis, data evaluation, output generation and a continuous approach to improvement, optimising the customer experience in your online store is merely a hypothesis.

While experienced UX designers can utilise their years of experience and best practices, even these need to be tested. Companies like Amazon or Google are constantly improving the UX of their products.

Use multiple tools like Google Analytics, Hotjar or Smartlook to measure and test optimisation solutions.

Go beyond with us

Although simply the initial mobile UX optimisation can deliver significant results in a short period of time, only continuous monitoring, out of the box approaches and subsequent improvements can set the successful players apart from the rest. Contact us and we will be happy to help you find the right solution to get the most out of your online store.

Thanks to the Dexfinity Editorial Staff for Creating This Article

Subject: Matej Karaba

Written by: Milan Peschl

Edited by: Veronika Svajčiaková

Feedback: Martin Bartl

Published by: Róbert Hošták

Translated by: Nikola Davis

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