How to Build an Empire with Social Media Marketing

How to Build an Empire with Social Media Marketing - Dexfinity


Thinking about turning your business into an empire? Where do you want to be in a month, a year or in a decade? Social media marketing is king! Be the right emperor and let your loyal crowd know you are here for them. How to engage your customers to create a business empire that lasts?

The Acropolis of Athens, Greece, with the Parthenon Temple on top of the hill during a summer sunset

Table of Contents

Social media is so much more than making yourself look popular. Making meaningful connections with current and future customers is the goal. If you can do this, you will significantly strengthen your brand in the online world.

We’ve put together some helpful tips for Instagram and Facebook that have worked well with our business partners. How to make your social media presence memorable?

Why Instagram and Facebook?

A survey from 2021 revealed that the most used social networks in Slovakia and worldwide are (unsurprisingly) Facebook and Instagram. More than half of the users log in daily. The most viewed platform is YouTube.

Twitter and LinkedIn live in seclusion

LinkedIn is used daily by 8% and Twitter by only 3% of Slovak users. However, these are interesting target groups: better-off people in younger middle age and with higher income.

You can effectively reach interesting people and attract new clients.

Pay attention to real metrics

No data, no results. You can’t move without data and well thought-out plans. If your social media is dead, you’re not doing something right. The activity and organic reach of your published posts are measured in several ways:

  •       By number of likes and comments
  •       By sharing, saving and posting
  •       By increasing the number of followers and fans
  •       When someone mentions you in a comment or post
  •       By using hashtags related to your brand
Social media ads have their own rules.

Pay attention not only to data, but also to the rules on social media. No one wants to lose a long-built account for a simple mistake.

The moment when someone interacts with your social media, you know it works. However, it’s hard to measure growth if you don’t know where you’re starting from. Track any numbers that are meaningful to you, analyse your competitors and set clear goals.

What is your desired achievement?

Do you want more followers? Do you lack activity on your post? Are you looking for a way to increase sales? Always adapt your communication strategy to this and be consistent. People will only trust you if you are honest.

Regularity is the golden rule

If you expect one post a month on Facebook or Instagram to achieve your goal, it will hardly ever happen. Numbers will simply not grow. Let your users know you are here for them. Be a constant reminder and interact with them. That’s the only way you’ll gain an advantage they won’t forget about you.

Prepare a content plan of what you will add and when and consider current trends and related situations.

The domination of Instagram Reels

Take advantage of all the opportunities that social media offer. In an attempt to catch up with the giant TikTok, Instagram is currently pushing Reels (short creative videos) to the forefront. Naturally increasing their organic reach.

Videos on social media are the most popular nowadays.

People respond very well to educational posts. Explain the benefits of a product in a video to increase your sales.

How to engage your audience in a video? Incorporate interesting to-the-point short tips or create funny situations. Nevertheless, be careful with jokes. The line between amusement and outrage is narrow. You need to get the jokes right and tailor them to your target group.

Stories are right after the Reels

Some people prefer posts, others focus on stories. You should adapt to both groups. Moreover, Instagram stories present an exclusive opportunity for you.

Quizzes, polls or voting will make followers interact with your account, increasing the overall reach of your posts and attracting more potential clients.

Find your goldmine

Every brand is different. Your target audience responds uniquely as well. Only by trying will you figure out what your customers like best. Is it the long and rewarding descriptions next to the posts? Educational facts? Videos? Stories? Trusted influencers?

In some cases, influencers are the best option. If they have a relevant target audience with no bought followers and bots, you can be worry-free.

Through discount codes or hashtags, you can very precisely track how your social media marketing is taking off.

Tip from us – brain teasers

Contests are a popular activity not only on Instagram, but also on Facebook. If you already have experience with them, but they didn’t bring you what you expected from them, change your creative.

Online contests on social media increase engagement.

Be creative and involve your clients in contests and brain teasers. Get ready for a high amount of likes, comments and shares on social media.

It won’t work without support

Even if you share interesting content but it doesn’t reach people, your numbers won’t grow. Paid ads are a natural part of being on social media.

They have a big impact on organic reach, which many people still don’t realise.

Create engaging creative

With Facebook, you have several options. Will you choose Single Image, Collections or Carousel? Whether it is content creation or advertisement, test which format will best engage your target audience.

Try to spice them up as much as possible. At Dexfinity, we use the ROI Hunter tool to create ads. It allows us not only to prepare a professional creative without the help of a graphic designer, but also to automate the ads.

Tip: Try replacing classic banner ads on social media with short videos. Remember that every video play counts as an interaction. Increased interaction reduces the cost of the ad. More users will see the ad, but you’ll pay less for it.

Don’t expect success overnight

Everything has its time. And that’s true for social media marketing too. If your goal is to increase sales of a particular product, you’re in for a longer journey (in most cases). If you don’t choose to go the traditional route of promotions and sales, you’re looking at a long-term process.

“Plant a seed” and remind users why your product is special. Tell them its benefits and uses. Prepare an informative blog article about it and promote it.

Social media with engaging visuals.

Visuals sell. In terms of social media marketing, there is no doubt. Beautiful pictures equals more followers.

Be satisfied even with smaller numbers

As long as you build an active community of people who identify with your brand and interact on social media, don’t chase artificially inflated numbers. It’s not the size that matters, it’s the relevance.

Whoop it up

Don’t wait for your followers to spontaneously speak up. They need encouragement. Your post shouldn’t lack a call to action. However, it should be relevant to the content. Don’t forget about influencers.

At Dexfinity, we work with big and small names to reach relevant audiences. If you’re looking for a reliable influencer, or if you don’t know which side of social media marketing to approach, contact us.

The social media specialists will analyse your Facebook and Instagram, come up with a strategy and set up automated ads with ROI Hunter. The first consultation is on us.

Thanks to the Dexfinity editorial staff for creating this article​

Author: Veronika Svajčiaková
Editor: Martin Bartl
Translator: Mária Streďanská
Published by: Róbert Hošták

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    Veronika works at Dexfinity as a Content Specialist. Besides articles, she prepares keyword analyses and content strategies. She emphasizes making her texts easy to read and having enough useful information.

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