SMART goals

SMART is a proven method for correctly setting goals. You can use its principles and rules in marketing, project management and everyday life.

What are SMART goals?

According to the SMART technique, each set goal must be:

  • S – specific,
  • M – measurable,
  • A – achievable,
  • R – relevant,
  • T – time bound.

How to set SMART goals in practice?


The goal is clearly established, well defined and without any vague formulations. Do not define the goal as “I want to improve my e-shop”, but be specific – “I will increase the conversion rate in my e-shop thanks to the redesign of the purchasing process”.


You need to be able to measure whether you have reached your goal or not. For example, in the case of redesigning the purchase process and trying to increase the conversion rate, you can set a goal: “increase the conversion rate to 5%”.


Determine the goals you have a chance to achieve. If you have a 1% conversion rate, you won’t convert it to 5% in two weeks.


The goal should be in line with the overall vision of your e-commerce business and marketing strategy. For example, in the case of an e-shop, the goal of “increasing the average order value” is absolutely relevant.

Time bound

Every goal needs a deadline by which it must be met. Without a deadline, you won’t have a sense of urgency when meeting it.


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