How To Succeed in Expanding To the USA

Think Global by Google (where you can sign up for regular updates) will help you obtain a competitive edge for global growth in the coming year. By looking at the USA, you will discover how to find new demand, to be more price competitive and profitable in this territory.

export to usa

Table of Contents

What is the Think Global program?

Think Global is a platform focused on expansion into other countries. The author is Google, which regularly prepares unique views on various export topics. We share this know-how with the hope it will help smaller and larger businesses.

Google CEE Agency Summit 2022 recently took place in Athens. It also included Dexfinity headed by Pavol Adamčák. He shared his valuable know-how in the field of privacy and automation, which he discussed with Eva Vajda, Paris Childress and Thanassis Sofianos.

A few important insights about automation:

  • Companies can benefit from the development and use of AI
  • Without customer data, you cannot fully realize the potential of AI
  • More human empowerment with AI tools brings more value
  • The proper collection of first-party data and its intelligent use can bring profit to clients. Without it, you will have chaos in the data and reports that do not reflect reality

If you are considering expanding to other countries, don’t let the competition overtake you. Learn how to export to the USA now.

Part 1: The export opportunity in the USA

  • Key insights on the global and USA economic landscape;
  • Business opportunities in the USA, including lower energy prices, recession resilience, a strong currency and more;
  • USA consumer behaviour across states, particularly for finance and retail.
The export opportunity in the USA

Part 2: Capturing the opportunity with USA-tailored marketing

We will share marketing strategies to help businesses efficiently expand into the USA.

This includes:

  • USA-specific segmentation approach to target high-value clients;
  • Behavioural insights to create a funnel strategy optimised for conversions 
  • A set of tools to increase performance and drive high ROI in your USA expansion
Capturing the opportunity with USA-tailored marketing

USA Market Entry Strategies

Strong business culture

  • Very traditional business culture in the sense of very formal business clothes.
  • It is essential to focus on DEI and localize your language and offer to the local culture and needs.
  • Specialization more on verticals and a clear USP (e.g. we are focused on SaaS in pre-SEED or we work for the biggest CPG players) more than on broad services (we do everything for everyone).
  • The focus should be on value rather than price. In the current economic environment, of course, outsourcing and cost reduction are encouraged, but if companies were only looking for cost reduction, they would use the files of an agency from a third-world country such as India, etc. A good overview is here.

When entering a new market, it is ideal to have a ‘lean & agile’ approach and learn as you go. It would be ideal to create an offer, then show it to some American companies, get feedback and continue. We often think that the market and the customer want something, but it is better to ask and find out exactly what they want.

Do you want to expand to the USA?

Are you thinking of expanding into the USA? Don’t hesitate. The vast majority of online stores are looking to expand. If your competitors are expanding, don’t delay making that call.

We have been successful abroad with many online stores. Get in touch, and the next success story could be yours.

Thanks to the Dexfinity Editorial Staff for Creating This Article

We help eshops to accelerate growth through export, margin online marketing and automation. We aren´t a PPC agency, but a business partner for your growth. Go beyond with us!

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Michal Lichner

Michal Lichner
Global BizDev, Sales, Marketing Consultant
+421 911 585 689

Eva Čechovská

Eva Cechovska
Sales & Export Consultant
+421 918 341 781


Pavol Adamcak
International Marketing Strategy Consultant, Founder
+421 918 435 105

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