Push the boundaries of your career

Our ambitions are global. We are always looking for talent. We strive to be the best at what we do. Join our international team and help us push projects beyond borders. Both the geographical ones and the mental ones.

Senior PPC Specialist

PPC Teamleader

Social Media Strategist

Senior Business Developer

Are you talented but still studying?

Start your career at Dexfinity as an intern and help us accelerate our e-commerce projects across borders.
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Help us propel these projects to the stars

The door for talent and determination is always open

See also other positions where to apply.

Brand Strategist & Consultant

Social Media Master

SEO Project Manager

Dextastic people

It’s not just about work, it’s about a strong team of people who enjoy spending time together. This is how life is lived in Dexfinity.


What you can expect from us

For us, values are not just words, but the essence of how we function. Principles that guide us in finding new colleagues and meeting the ambitious goals of our partners.


Key Characteristics of Each Dexfinity Person

Because of the way we manage and reassign projects at Dexfinity, it often happens that you work with different people on different projects and are therefore part of different teams. People are diverse. That is why you need to know how to find your way to them and learn how to work with them.

On projects we sometimes have up to a three-level vertical structure (Account Manager, Project Manager, Specialists). This structure emphasises cooperation and effective communication.

Performance marketing at Dexfinity is data-driven and doesn’t play games. All results are backed by analysis and every strategic move on a project is also data-driven.

Whichever department you work in, you’re bound to come across extensive spreadsheets/tables that include advanced features. You will have to draw the right conclusions from the available data.

In the same way that we work on projects, our internal structures also work – whether it’s internal marketing, HR or finance.

We owe much of the market position we have today to our “can-do” approach. We are always looking for new ways to develop our clients and our company as a whole.

If we hadn’t tried unconventional routes in the past, where others might have said it couldn’t be done, we wouldn’t have well-functioning commission collaborations, an international team, proprietary tools and metrics today.

So it’s crucial that every member of our team sees obstacles as challenges and transforms the feeling that something can’t be done into a new opportunity.

Not found here?

Do you want to be part of the Dexfinity team but this offer didn’t appeal to you? Check out our other open positions, or leave us a contact details and we’ll find a job for you.


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