Prophecy of Ecommerce Trends for 2022

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Do you have a responsive website with clear CTA elements? That is no longer enough. The 2022 trends in digital marketing will filter mediocrity from quality. How to stay among the top?

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We may not have a fortune-telling ball, but we can predict the success of ecommerce in the coming years. The experience says it all: Businesses that see opportunity in trends are the ones who thrive the most. 

Following the development of the foreign ecommerce segment and preparing for new developments keeps you one step ahead before becoming part of the masses.

What are the 2022 marketing trends? Technology will dominate trends in global marketing. 

Smooth Mobile Shopping

Consumers still use a computer more often than a mobile phone for online shopping. They prefer to use mobile at the beginning of the shopping journey when checking availability, price and references. 

The most common products purchased on mobile devices are cosmetics, books and toys. 

In 2021, the situation in the UK has changed. Mobile and desktop shopping are at the same place. The trend suggests that over time mobile devices will gain a permanent dominance. Your eshop must be perfectly prepared for this change. 

Shopping from mobile and desktop devices is equally popular in 2021.

Percentage share of online purchases via mobile and desktop in the UK in 2021.

Trends 2022 point the priority to be the mobile version of your eshop. You may already be losing customers due to tedious scrolling. A bad smartphone experience will deter up to 70% of customers from making another purchase. 

Green Consumerism Is the 2022 Marketing Trend

Consumption and ecology don’t go together. Yet the number of green consumerism advocates is growing. These are customers who buy new things, but at the same time make sure their purchases are environmentally friendly and sustainable. 

It is no longer enough to wrap socks in paper instead of plastic. Customers want to know much more about the brand. How do you produce the goods? Where is the material coming from? Can it be recycled?

How to make your business greener?

Avoid unnecessarily large boxes and don’t send customers parcels full of polystyrene. Step ahead of your competition and change the packaging of your goods. Say goodbye to plastic and use recycled or recyclable materials. 

Once you take some greener steps, keep your customers informed. Use social media, mention eco-packaging on the web and write it on the boxes that arrive at their homes. 

Ecology and sustainability belong to the marketing trends 2022.

Marketing trends 2022 are ecology and sustainability.

Effortless Payment

Payment is part of every shopping journey, don’t complicate it. A polished and simple payment method increases the chances that the customer won’t walk away. 

Invest in payment gateways in the coming year of 2022. Give your customers multiple payment options and don’t limit them to bank transfer or cash on delivery. 

Less obstacles = More money

Customers are becoming more responsive to payments. If they don’t find their preferred payment method, they simply close the cart and leave your eshop. It is not likely for them to return.

Buyers prefer cash on delivery for their first purchase. If all goes well, they will be happy to pay by card next time. 

Enable Shopping on Social Media

More than half of the world’s population uses social media. Customers kill more than two and a half hours there every day. 

People are far from just following their friends anymore. Almost 80% of social media accounts are also fans of their favourite brands: They search for product information and read reviews. 

Entertainment and shopping under one roof

Sales on social media rocketed in 2021. Still not selling there? Consider it seriously.

There are two choices: Either customers will buy on your social media account, or they will be redirected to your eshop. Social media platforms encourage the first option, as they are constantly improving functionalities and trying to keep the buyers on the platform. 

Such a purchase is fast and convenient for customers. Social media have a perfect overview of them and pre-fill most of their data. The system is also beneficial for eshops. 

Fast way of shopping reduces the chances of customers changing their mind. 

Boost your sales with the new Instagram

The new Instagram has made it possible to add a link to InstaStories even for pages with less than 10,000 followers. Now you can redirect a customer from a photo or video to a product page without paying.

How to sell products from your eshop on Instagram?

Shopping on social media will continue to grow in 2022. Connect InstaStories with your eshop. 

Social media shoppers – who are they?

Every generation uses social media differently. People in their 50s shop less frequently. Only around 20% of them buy things on social media. 

Among the younger generations, social media shopping is much more popular. Almost 80% of them shop this way.

AI Marketing Works for You

The employee of the year 2022 is artificial intelligence (AI). It improves work processes, works quickly and tirelessly. It helps with customer service, inventory organization, shipping or even planning marketing activities. 

Artificial intelligence is part of the tools you can use in your eshop. Its use will make you more competitive. Just give it a little bit of time. In a year or two, your investment in AI marketing will pay you back several times over. 

GLAMI case study

Can’t imagine AI working in real time? For example, a successful Slovak comparison site GLAMI uses artificial intelligence very effectively. It categorises products using tags, while thousands of products are added every day. 

The sheer number of goods was at first a competitive advantage, but over time it was no longer humanly possible to organise them into categories and filters. Customers were also wandering around in the offer. They couldn’t choose and they left. 

GLAMI deployed AI to categorise products. AI recognises products by photo and description. Additionally, it also helps customers in selecting products: It tracks their behaviour and makes them a personalised offer based on their search history. 

Turn Marketing Trends 2022 into Success

Successful eshops are waiting to invest in technology. At least the ones that want to remain making sales in a few years. We’ve been preparing our partners for the arrival of AI for some time now, by helping them optimise processes and campaigns, and selecting the right payment gateways.

We use MagicScript to bid products automatically to ensure the highest margin or turnover. It saves time and money. 

Wondering how to sell even more? Take advantage of a one-hour consultation with one of our specialists. It is free of charge and without obligation.

Thanks to the Dexfinity Editorial Staff for Creating This Article

Author: Adriana Černáčková

Editor: Martin Bartl

Translator: Mária Streďanská

Publisher: Róbert Hošták

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    Adriana works at Dexfinity as a Copywriter. She writes content that inspires readers, so they like to come back to it after some time. Her illustrations adorn many books for children, as she is also a capable Digital Artist.

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