Explore the Depths of Mobile Advertising



Most internet users come from mobile devices. Smartphones are playing an increasingly important role in ecommerce sales processes and it should go noticed. Why is mobile advertising worthwhile for your eshop? How to correctly set up mobile ads? What to look out for?


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The Data Says It All: Mobile Advertising Works

More than half of the population visits websites on smartphones. Mobiles are used for communication and entertainment daily, but people also use them to make purchases more and more often. 

Up to 40% of online transactions come from mobile devices.

A trend that keeps growing

If you haven’t started using mobile advertising yet, you might be convinced by the latest data available from Statista. These show mobile ad spend increase YoY. The year 2021 is catching up with desktop ad spend, and by 2022 mobile ad spend is expected to outrun the desktop one.

Mobile ads will beat desktop ad spending by 2022

By 2022, mobile ad spend will exceed the value of desktop advertising.

It is clear from the available data for 2019 and 2020 that the conversion rate is higher for desktops than smartphones. However, we still see a growth in the conversion rate on mobile devices; it is even higher for tablets than desktop.

The conversion rate by mobile type has increased dramatically over the last 2 years.

Are you really prepared?

If you are a website owner, you should think about whether it is ready for growing traffic and convenient mobile shopping.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Is your site optimised for mobile devices?
  • Do you use mobile advertising on Google Ads?
  • Are you targeting people searching on smartphones?

How Do Google Ads Work on Mobile Devices?

Google search engine incorporates the source of the search into its algorithm, which evaluates the relevance of results, and adjusts the display accordingly.

We can see this practice abroad. For example, in Slovakia the same queries (the sequence of words entered into Google search) from different types of devices do not differ so radically.

What do you need to know about search?

Mobile ads have their own rules, benefits and practices, which result from the different ways mobile is used. For example, a user searching for “pizza” is likely to want to find the nearest pizzeria, not a recipe for making their favourite Italian speciality.

When creating mobile ads, remember:

  • Choose a slightly larger CPC: The number of ads displayed in search results is less than on desktop.
  • People searching from mobile use fewer specific words or fewer terms. Test keywords for individual ads. They can have different ad text and effectiveness.
  • Take advantage of the Click-to-call feature: when the advertiser dials your phone number directly. The price for Click-to-call is the same as for a classic ad click. Such ads will appear in Google search results, AdSense program pages, Google Maps, and mobile voice and text search engines.

Mobile Advertising Is Not Enough: Optimise! 

The number of searches and transactions via mobile devices is increasing – so tailor your ads accordingly. 

Don’t forget about mobile optimisation. Getting the UX right will make your customers’ path to conversion easier. While you may not increase your sales directly, mobile ads play an important role in mediated advertising.

If you don’t know what to do with mobile advertising, UX or any other marketing service, we’ll be happy to help. We’re at the cutting edge of performance campaigns. We are confident enough to also offer commission-based services.

Thanks to the Dexfinity editorial staff for creating this article​

Author: Terézia Poláková

Editor: Martin Bartl

Translator: Mária Streďanská

Published by: Róbert Hošták

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