Demänová Resort

81% resort occupancy thanks to marketing. How did we achieve it?




Travel & Tourism


Google Ads,
Facebook Ads,
Instagram Ads,
content marketing,
link building,
data automation, marketing strategy

Number of Specialists


Demänová Resort is synonymous with fun, rest and relaxation. It is located in an ecological and pet-friendly environment with a view of the Tatra Mountains and Chopok Peak. When the resort’s occupancy became affected, initially by the pandemic and later by the war, they did not give up. Today, thanks to the right decisions and honest work, they rank among the leaders in the accommodation segment within the Tatra region.

579% increase in bookings through Google Ads

We improved the conversion rate on Google Ads by 217%. This caused orders to skyrocket, eventually growing by an incredible 579% year-on-year.

Initial situation

Our collaboration with Demänová Resort began in December 2021. They were initially looking for a partner who would look after performance PPC campaigns, Google Ads, social networks, content creation and link building. 

With the help of marketing, the client needed to ensure a year-round profitable occupancy of the resort and also wanted to clean up visitor data. 

In addition, the Demänová Rezort brand includes several other sub-brands such as Pinus restaurant , Safran restaurant , Kriváň store (selling traditional Slovak specialties), as well as activities located directly within the resort (FUN center, Demänová ski center).

For these brands, we created a marketing strategy in such a way that they did not compete with each other, but instead complemented each other (for example in bidding). 

Specific client, specific approach

Unlike a regular online store, we approached the marketing strategy for Demänová Resort by taking into account the specifics of the HOREC (Hotel, Restaurant, Cafeteria/Catering) segment.

Timing inconsistency

Customers tend to buy stays as many as two to three months in advance. Therefore, we were able to see the order in the campaigns and Google Analytics, but the real evidence of the turnover only came later, once the customer had completed their stay.

So that we could have order in the recording of bookings and sales, we kept track of both the time periods. Based on this, we created financial plans and estimated marketing investments.

Summertime is not off-peak

We also had to get used to the opposite peak and off-peak seasons. The main season comes during the summer, and then partially weakens in the winter and spring months. The difference between the main season and the quieter period is more extreme here than when compared to the classic e-commerce segment. 

Lower occupancy affects finances, because the resort has higher fixed costs compared to an online store, which we are unable to simply turn off for the duration of the off-season.

Achieving goals was not easy

Demänová Resort is an extremely ambitious client, and its marketing plans reflect this.

Based on a joint strategic decision, we managed to generate such strong sales in the peak season (especially July/August) that they easily offset the downtime of a weaker spring. What did we start doing?

Stop offers on Zľavomat

Zľavomat works on the basis of a commission for each sale, and, in addition, it puts pressure on the accommodation providers to significantly push their prices down. The cost here is around 20%, which the client can use for performance marketing. The latter is ultimately more effective compared to the discount portal.

In addition, by turning off Zľavomat, we reduced our competition when bidding, because they also bid on the Demänová Resort brand and keywords similar to ours. Thanks to this, we reduced the CPC (cost-per-click) and increased campaign performance. 

Better cost-to-turnover ratio thanks to data

Marketing and targeting requires data, but the client’s data was fragmented. In practice, what happened was that some of the data was in the booking system, some in Google Analytics, and some came from followers on social networks.  

Due to poor organization of data, the client could not use it’s full potential and communication through various channels did not work as well as it could have.  

Data integration in one place 

We solved the situation by collating data in one place using external software. We then organized the data itself based on the principle: one customer = one data profile.

The integration went relatively smoothly and we were quickly able to use the information obtained for customer segmentation. For example, if someone frequently used the wellness services during their stay, we would later remind them of a relaxing stay package; families would receive discounts on accommodation for children, etc.

We tailored automated content

We sent emails using an automation tool which created different scenarios based on data from the reservation system. 

This meant that we adjusted the content of emails according to whether the client had already opened the previous email, what they had booked, whether they were travelling with children, etc. 

What was the result?

  • We didn’t just send newsletters, but also personalised communication based on the customer’s previous activity. 
  • Customer retention complemented performance marketing and reduced the cost-to-turnover value.
  • We helped the client convert existing customers into loyal and returning ones. 
  • Using emails, we directed customers who purchased their stay through an intermediary directly to the Demänová Rezort website. 

Thanks to this meticulous work, we:

    • ensured accurate targeting of campaigns,
    • supplied high-quality first-party data,
  • prevented inefficient spending of the budget
  • and limited the buying of loyal and responsive customers with paid advertising.

We don’t have the exact numbers yet, but the emails enjoyed double the open rate compared to regular emailing campaigns from other online stores.

Customers tend to respond well to personalised offers and we succeeded in directing returning visitors to purchases through the client’s website. By doing so, we were able to again fill data databases and we are continuously improving the whole process.

Personalisation improves marketing performance and overall we are able to advertise with quality data at a lower cost-to-turnover ratio. Using external data centralisation software makes reporting easier and we are able to see all the results in just a few clicks.

The client holds the data from the reservation systems internally and does not need a third party (Google, Facebook) to use it, thereby saving costs on performance marketing, which is becoming more and more expensive.

What are we most proud of?

We are most pleased with the client’s satisfaction. Before coming to us, they worked with several agencies, but the partnerships did not work out as well. Despite the fact that we do not meet 100% of the targets every month (due to seasonality), overall, marketing yields more than it did a year ago.

We solve every problem quickly and, thanks to good results, we are constantly expanding our collaboration. Nowadays, we are also looking after the client’s second project,, which is currently only seasonal.

We were able to clean up a lot of data in a relatively short time, and the client is now starting to reap the rewards. Quality first-party data from reservation systems has delivered it’s first results. This trend works extremely well abroad and we are glad that it is now also working in Slovakia.

Thanks to trust and mutual communication, the collaboration has moved forward quickly and we are currently developing an application that will further reduce Google and Facebook advertising expenses and help with the retention of existing customers.

The project in numbers



Increase in turnover

The total turnover growth was at the level of 78%. However, the great results can also be attributed to the fact that 2021 was still affected by the Covid crisis, but 2022 was not.


Increase in conversion rates

Overall traffic is similar year-on-year, but more relevant compared to previous years as conversion rates have increased by 47%.


Increase in bookings through Google Ads

We improved our Google Ads conversion rate by 217%. This caused orders to skyrocket, eventually growing by an incredible 579% year-on-year.

The specialists behind this project

Ondrej Lipták

Ondrej Lipták

Ondrej is our senior business consultant and account manager, who draws on a diverse experience from his wide range of clients. In addition to standard online stores, which operate in as many as 14 countries combined, he also helps clients with the generation of new leads and the creation of a suitable process for their qualitative evaluation and subsequent management within the sales process.

He also works on the already mentioned projects within the Travel & Tourism segment and was part of the team responsible for the creation of a complex strategy for the client, Demänová Resort.

Matej Aštary

Matej Aštary

Retention Specialist

Martina Katrincova

Martina Katrincová

Google Ads a Youtube Project Manager

Andrea Horniczka

Social Media Project Manager

Michaela Plešková foto

Michaela Plešková

Email and data automation

Veronika Švajčiaková

Veronika Svajčiaková

Content Specialist

Lukáš Bundzák

Linkbuilding Project Manager


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Michal Lichner

Michal Lichner
Global BizDev, Sales, Marketing Consultant
+421 911 585 689

Eva Čechovská

Eva Cechovska
Sales & Export Consultant
+421 918 341 781


Pavol Adamcak
International Marketing Strategy Consultant, Founder
+421 918 435 105

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