The Secret of Google Ads Types

google ads reklama sarkofag


More than 70,000 searches are made on Google every second. That’s nearly 227 million per hour and approximately 5.4 billion per day. Google Ads is an opportunity to turn every single search into increased conversions and awareness of your brand. 

However, truly effective campaigns are a must. Thankfully, we let the cat out of the bag or you: Find out how to take full advantage of Google Ads and its campaigns.

Table Of Contents

Google Ads types allow you to win the search engine first-page ranking battle. In terms of organic results, this is a difficult and, for many companies, unattainable path in the short term. Even with excellent SEO, it can take months to get to the top.

What Is Google Ads PPC Advertising?

PPC stands for pay-per-click, an internet marketing model in which you, as advertisers, pay for each click on your ad. In other words, it is a way of buying traffic to your site. 

Google Ads (Google Adwords) is one of the most popular forms of PPC advertising.

How can Google Ads help you advance your business goals?

Google Ads allows you to display ads above organic search results. This is a proven marketing practice for all ecommerce businesses trying to get their first online customers.

It allows you to purchase ad placement in sponsored search engine links at the exact location where your prospective customer is searching for a keyword that is related to your exact product or service offering.

Ecommerce Google Ads campaigns

Google Ads is a proven marketing practice for all ecommerce companies.

Google Ads Campaign Types

Curious about what type of ad campaign best meets your needs and goals? As Google continues to expand its campaign portfolio, there are currently up to nine types of Google Ads campaigns to choose from. 

To minimise costs and maximise conversions, create ads that engage where they’re most likely to succeed. 

How a Search Ads campaign is displayed.

How a Search Ads campaign is displayed.

Search Advertising (Search Ad)

Do you strive to always be first? A Search Ad is a type of Google ad that appears at the top of the search engine results. It allows you to get ahead of organic content and it maximises your chances of conversion right at the start of the customer journey.

Performance MAX advertising campaign

Not keen on the hassle of setting up, targeting and cost-per-click? Performance MAX is a new type of Google Ads marketing that allows you to run all types of campaigns from one place and maximise their performance using machine learning.

Maximised ad performance

Say hello to Performance MAX in Google Ads.

 With MAX Performance Campaign, you leave everything to AI.

Display Ad: Content Network Advertising Campaign

Reaching your customer directly as they browse their favourite content? A Display Ad is a type of campaign that displays visually engaging ads and banners on the Content Display Network. This includes all sites on the Internet that offer banner advertising.


This is how you can see an ad campaign in the Display Network.

YouTube Video Ad Campaign

Engage your audience with creative videos on the world’s largest video platform. Video ad campaigns are short audiovisual spots that are shown to target audiences before and while they watch videos on YouTube.

Create a YouTube Video Ad in Google Ads

You can find a video ad campaign on Google Ads here.

Takto vyzerá videoreklama na YouTube.

This is how your video ad appears on YouTube.

Shopping Ad: Advertising campaign in Google Shopping

Offer your products to your customers right when they are shopping. The advantage of an ad campaign is that it gives you the option to display PPC ads in the product search space of a search engine. This campaign will display an image in the product category along with its name, price, store name and reviews.

Capture your audience’s attention with creative videos on the world’s largest video platform. Video ad campaigns are short audiovisual spots that are shown to target audiences before and while they watch videos on YouTube.

Kampaň na aplikáciu je reklama priamo v Google Store

Promote your apps directly on Google’s app networks.

How to display an ad campaign in products

App Ad Campaign

An awesome app that deserves amazing sales. Do you have one of those? An App Ad is a type of advertising campaign that lets you promote your app on Google’s networks, including Google Store Search, Google Play, Display Search, and Discover networks.

Local Campaign

Google local service ads are designed to help you find customers anywhere in the country and convince them to visit your brick-and-mortar store or showroom.

Ads are displayed on the Search and Content Network, Maps and YouTube. All you need to do is add interesting content to attract customers. The local campaign then optimises itself to find customers in your area.

Google local service ads

Run a local campaign in Google Ads.

An example of local ads in Google Maps

Local advertising in Maps will entice relevant customers from your area.

Discovery Ad Campaigns

How to be a legend? Reach more than 800 million monthly users browsing Google feeds on mobile devices. A Discovery ad campaign is a great way to bring your brand to your customers or offer valuable written content.

Reklama zobrazujúca sa vo feede mobilného zariadenia

Reklamnú kampaň Discovery, ktorá sa zobrazuje vo feede mobilného zariadenia, spustíte tu.

Discovery ad campaigns show up below search in the mobile device feed.

Google SMART Advertising Campaign 

Fully automated ad campaigns leave everything to Google. Ad Campaign Google SMART is an intelligent set of Google Ads campaigns that allow you to fully automate your projects and ad setups. 

With just a few basic details, your ads can be launched across all networks at once without any hassle or administration. 

Spustenie automatizovaných zostáv v kampani SMART

Tu spustíte automatizovanú kampan SMART v službe Google Ads.

Spustenie automatizovaných zostáv v kampani SMART

Let Google set up and target your ads.

Benefits of Google Ads PPC Advertising 

PPC delivers results faster than SEO

Both SEO and PPC are tools to generate more traffic to a website and to attract new customers. 

With Google Ads, you will increase relevant traffic to your site in much less time than with organic optimisation. PPC Advertising is instantly visible.

However, don’t forget about SEO. This is a long-term activity that should have a firm place in your marketing strategy. But you won’t make a week-to-week turnaround with it. That’s why you need to have well-set expectations. 

Many businesses particularly enjoy SEO where you only pay for results.

Pinpoint targeting

Every Google Ads campaign offers settings options, where you can precisely define which search queries or audiences you want to target with your ad.

Remarketing via Google Ads and performance measurement

In Google Ads, you can see the number of clicks on your ad, new leads and keyword relevance. Based on conversion measurement, you’ll see the campaigns and targeting that contributed to product sales.

When one click does not do the magic

If a PPC ad brings in a new customer, but they still leave your eshop, remind them. With remarketing audiences, you can reach users who have left without taking an important action and motivate them to complete their purchase. 

How Does the Google Ads Account Structure Work?

Before you successfully advertise, familiarise yourself with the Google Ads structure. You can choose from several campaign types – depending on your business. 

Google recommends creating and managing as few campaigns as possible. This is because when measuring conversions, a lean structure will ensure you have enough data to optimise performance.

Setting up a Google Ads account is easy and can be done in minutes. You can do so on this page.

štruktúra účtu Google Ads

This is how you can see an ad campaign in the Display Network.

How to create an ad in Google Ads?

Once you’ve set up your account, create your ad campaigns, keeping a few factors in mind:

  • Set up billing: A daily budget for your ads. 
  • Decide where to advertise: In Google Search (or Maps and Shopping) or on the content network (YouTube, Gmail, AdSense, DoubleClick Ad Exchange).
  • Create an ad campaign: We recommend copying the structure of the e-shop (e.g. Sunglasses) for the title.
  • Create an advertising group: Here too it pays to copy the structure of the e-shop (e.g. Ray-Ban sunglasses).
  • Add keywords and other extensions (subpages, descriptions or phone) to the ad group.
  • Choose an appropriate keyword match and add exclusionary keywords that you don’t want your ad to show for.
  • Create text ads: Be concise and try to engage the user as much as possible. Keep in mind that headlines can be a maximum of 30 characters.

TIP: Read about effective campaign structure on PPC automation and exporting your eshop abroad in a case study from our colleague Michal Lubelec. 

Automation – make the most of digital advertising

If you have a bigger eshop, setting up and managing campaigns can be time-consuming. PPC advertising is no exception.

By automating PPC ads, we save our business partners a lot of time and costs while increasing their revenue. We don’t waste time trying to maintain an optimal cost per click (bidding), but with clear data and automation, we can move forward quickly.

“Na zefektívnenie celého procesu využívame rad moderných nástrojov. Supermetrics nám pomáha udržiavať prehľad a poriadok v dátach. Pri náročných projektoch sa spoliehame na PPC Bee či MagicScript algoritmus. Pomocou neho riadime celé projekty “jedným klikom”. Na predikciu využívame aj dashboardy v Data Studio od Google, ktoré nám ukazujú aktualizované informácie o kampaniach z daného dňa a súčasné či očakávané denné výdavky.”

Michal Lubelec

Michal Lubelec

PPC Teamleader & Project Manager,

Ad Campaigns Automation saves time 

Advertising on Google is effective if you follow all the best recommendations and practices when managing it. However, you’ll only achieve maximum effectiveness when you automate your campaigns.

We recommend using MagicScript to expertly automate your Google Ads campaigns. It is the only one on the market that allows you to bid products automatically according to the ACoS/ROAS strategy of your e-shop. Thanks to this, you will achieve the maximum level of turnover or gross margin for your business.

Thanks to the Dexfinity Editorial Staff for Creating This Article

Author: Veronika Svajčiaková, Michal Valent

Editor: Martin Bartl

Translator: Mária Streďanská

Published by: Róbert Hošták

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